住宅买家/租户代表协议-简短表格 本质上是两种形式合二为一吗. 它可以用来提供全方位的服务, 也可以仅用于提供显示服务.

本条第一款. 方. 插入经纪人和买方/租户客户的名称.

第二款. 任命. 经纪人是客户的2021十大正规彩票app经纪人. This is a representation agreement under both the 完整的服务 and 显示服务 options. 经纪人与客户有信托关系.

段3. 定义. This paragraph defines the meaning of “acquire” and “market area” as used in the agreement. Insert the market area where the client will be shown and possibly acquire the property. The market area can be an individual address or a larger area, such as a county in Texas. 以获取无法容纳在可用空间中的更长的属性列表, 可以在协议中添加附件或证据. 可以在空白行中插入对所附展品的参考.

第四款. 术语. 填上协议开始和结束的日期. 协议可以短至一天,也可以持续数月.

5款. 代理的义务. 选择将提供哪些服务.

  • 完整的服务. 经纪人将协助客户在指定的市场范围内购置房产. 例如, 经纪人会带你看房产, 撰写并协商报价, 帮助客户完成结案.
  • 显示服务. The broker will only provide the client with access to property in the defined market area. Insert a flat fee amount that the client will pay the broker for providing the showing services.
    • The 显示服务 option can be used with a buyer or tenant who is not ready to sign a long-term exclusive representation agreement but still allows the broker to meet the 美国职业足球大联盟 requirement of having a written agreement with a buyer to show a home.
    • 协议的其余各段不适用.
    • The broker must comply with minimum duties under the law along with the broker’s fiduciary and ethical duties. 例如, 同时在显示服务选项下显示客户端属性, 保密的信义义务适用. (有关最低关税的更多信息,请参阅下面的常见问题解答.)
    • 该协议有一个空白行,以插入经纪人补偿的固定费用, 可以是双方同意的任何金额,包括0美元. 对于更复杂的费用安排,可以附上一个展览. 请注意, 遵守美国职业足球大联盟的政策, 经纪人赔偿数额必须客观确定, 这意味着它必须是一个确定的或特定的数量.
    • Brokers should establish brokerage policies and procedures regarding representation under the 显示服务 option, 比如关于经纪人接受的付款方式的问题, 收费方式(当面还是网上), 与销售代理薪酬分割.


6款. 客户的义务. 经纪人是客户的独家代理人, and the client must inform other interested parties that the broker exclusively represents the client.

7款. 代理报酬. Insert the negotiated fee the client will pay the broker for providing full services.

8款. 中介. 选择客户端是否授权代理作为中介人, where the broker will represent both the seller and buyer or landlord and tenant in a transaction.

  • 提供展示服务的中介人:显示服务不需要中介人授权,即使是代理, 或者赞助代理, 向客户展示经纪人自己的房源. 中介 authorization would become necessary if the client wants to submit an offer on a property listed by the broker. 如果经纪人和客户后来同意一个全面的服务安排. 经纪人当时应该获得中介机构的授权.


If my buyer initially signs a buyer’s representation agreement for showing services only but now wants me to submit an offer, 我需要修改协议吗?  

是的. 在显示服务选项下, you have only agreed to provide access to property within the defined market area in exchange for the agreed upon fee. 客户要求的任何附加服务, 包括起草报价之类的活动, 就要约条款提供意见, 或者代表客户与卖家谈判, 必须由当事人同意吗. The parties can amend the short form to select the 完整的服务 option by using the 《买方/承租人代表协议》修正案 (TXR 1505). The parties should also determine if intermediary authorization is needed and what the broker’s fee should be. 或者,双方可以选择执行协议 住宅买家/租户代表协议-长表格 (TXR 1501)提供全方位的服务.

根据买方/承租人代表协议的条款, the broker is prohibited from receiving compensation for brokerage services that exceed the amounts stated in the agreement. 因此, you could not receive any compensation for the additional services that exceed the showing services compensation amount without amending the representation agreement.

如何只提供展示服务 住宅买家/租户代表协议-简短形式 (TXR 1507) 并遵守德克萨斯州法律规定的最低关税要求? 

Brokers can meet their minimum duties under Texas law while agreeing to provide showing services only. 第1101节.德州职业法典第557条要求执照持有人, 至少, 回答当事人的问题,并向当事人提出任何提议. 这仅仅意味着代理人被要求向意向方提供报价. This does not require the agent to write the offer or negotiate the terms for the buyer. This requirement is intended to prevent agents from withholding information from their clients. 如果卖方向代理发出报价, 代理商不能保留报盘,但必须将报盘转交给买方. 同样的, 如果买方向卖方发出要约, 代理商必须把报盘转交给卖方. 

So, 如果买家根据展示服务协议给他们的代理报价, 代理将不得不把报盘转交给卖方. 请记住,代理关系仅在协议期限内存在. 如果显示服务协议是一天或一个周末, many 买家 will not provide an agent with an offer during that short period of time.

Brokers are permitted under the law to agree on which services the broker will provide to clients. 例如, there are limited services listing 经纪人 and there are referral agents who have agreed to provide only certain services to their clients. 所有经纪人仍然必须履行他们的法律和道德责任, such as placing their clients’ interests ahead of their own and treating parties to a transaction fairly, 在履行合同约定的有限服务时.


Disclaimer: The above information is being provided as a general guide and is not intended to be and should not be considered legal advice. Use of any form and how to complete each form depends on the needs of the parties on a case-by-case basis.